See The Comics Page on our Discord!

Bounties: Unleash Your Creativity and Join the Big Battle Royale!

Today, we are excited to announce the launch of an exciting new sister game to SundaeRailroader Central: Bounties. The Bounties let you become a visual artist and compete in thrilling battles using the power of animations. 

Here's how it works: you start by using the forums channels in the Bounties category, and select an open game thats available to join. These text games can also include various features, such as achievements, challenges, currencies, can be used to help you unleash your creativity and bring it to life through the new Bounties feature.

That’s not all, however: after you've created an animated masterpiece, it's time to enter the platform’s game arena. There you can compete against people from all around the world and see whose creation reigns supreme. It's like a friendly competition where creativity knows no bounds.

HMOS's Next Episode's Challenge

 With HMOS coming back, I wanna do an episode where the challenge is a bunch of tasks suggested by YOU guys, the viewers.

And the contestants that remain to survive after all the tasks or disasters are over, win the challenge.

The rest, will be up for elimination.

Since the challenges are suggested by you guys, you will have to comment below a prompt of what happens.


examples: The floor fills with lava, and they have to survive by standing on other items.

A mountain spawns up, and contestants must survive up on it

eat the most pancakes

red light, green light.


I think you get the point.

Anyways if you have any, comment below!

Designing The HMOS Cast (Part 1)


 Designing the HMOS Cast:

Imagine Homestar Runner, having its large amount of characters, and with The Amazing World of Gumball:

Thats what I want HMOS to be! 62 contestants competing in a world inspired by TAWOG.

Basically, When designing Marker Cap, I decided for her to have the art style for a Marker. Cuz she's a Marker Cap.

Pen Cap would basically have the Aesthetic of a Paper Cut-out.

Basically, when it comes to designing the characters, I wanted to try and give each character with each style.

I'm hoping to expand BIGGER than that though, So if you have any ideas for animation styles, let me know by commenting below!

Announcing Battle For Two's Power 2.0!

Welcome to my upcoming Discord Camp, Battle for Two's Power 2.0!

It'll be a fast-paced (Bi-Daily) Discord Camp where the 26 TPOT RCs compete in various contests and games in order to win Two's Power 2.0!
*Okay in reality its 1 Million Kay Tokens but whatever*

It'll have medals, currencies, and all sorts of other rewards too!

The camp's games are very easy and require no stress at all whatsoever.

Here's the list of characters you can sign up as!

SundaeRailroader Viewer Voting CREW Game Challenge COMING FEBRUARY!

 Hey there arcade enthusiasts! The SundaeRailroader Viewer Voting CREW Game Challenge starts TODAY—but don’t leave it to the last minute… You’ll only have until Sunday, February 5th (midnight, Eastern Standard Time), to complete it!

Here’s how to play. Starting TODAY, January 2nd, look for the SR Central Viewer Voting CREW Game Challenge icon in the #challenges-and-events channel. It will be displayed in one of the forum posts:

Making NEW Crossover Advertisements

 Announcing 2 NEW crossovers for 2025!

FIRST, Were crossing over with EVERYONE in NEWGROUNDS for Pico Day, 2025!

AND to celebrate SundaeRailroader's Channel anniversary, were making a crossover not just with Sundae characters, but OTHER characters by other people of CREWCentral!

Honey Mustard Object Show Secrets (PART 1)


Hey my question marks! I'm here to tell you about the SECRETS of HMOS!
Honey Mustard originally looked like this. He was originally a tub, but people thought this prototype was "cursed". So he was changed to a bottle.

Pool Noodle was originally red.

There's quite a few unused HMOS characters. Some are:

  • Peashooter - Possibly the Peashooter plant based from Plants Vs. Zombies
  • Credit Card Jr.- Possibly a blue character that was based on Credit Card from Cartoonsarelife. Considering its name, it is likely that they were small.
  • Seed Plant - Possibly a red or brown character that was based on a seed from an unknown plant. Possibly been replaced with Seed Packet.
  • Drop - Possibly a purplish character based on a drop of an unknown liquid.
  • Red Mug - Possibly a red character based on a mug that is colored red.
  • 8-Ball From BFB - Possibly the original Infinity Ball before it was changed
  • Dry Cube - Possibly a white or transparent character based on dry ice.

There's a lot more secrets I wish to share, but I'll share more this Friday. Thats it for now. See ya'll, and as I always say, "Welcome To HMOS"!


 We here at CREWcentral, we care about our fans more than anyone else in the world. So we are trying to partner with Makeship to make one of our characters, a portable, and cuddly reality!

Basically, we want to add a feature where the plushies have tags on the back, that have codes to unlock more features to our Discord Server. Plus 10,000 Bonus premium currency!

There's just one problem...

The Problem

We here at CREWcentral are having trouble who we want to have as a plushie, so we ask YOU viewers to vote who you all want as a plushie. Here's all the options: 

  • Honey Mustard
  • Sweet Curry
  • Otamotone
  • Matchbook
  • Julius
  • Fake Flower
  • HMOS Novel
  • Magnifying Glass
  • Kay
  • Cool Man
  • Bazooka
  • Poorly Drawn Infinity Ball
  • Colored Pencil
  • Post-it Note
  • Farty
  • Pen Cap
  • Banana
  • Evil Computer
  • Pool Noodle
  • Scribble
  • Foam Brick
  • Highlighter
  • Soda Bottle
  • Headband
  • Potato Guy
  • Mushroom
  • Lamp
  • Watchy
  • Baking Soda
  • Zombie Broccoli
  • Phone
  • Cuppy
  • Shoe
  • Bandage Roll
  • Seed Packet
  • Pasta
  • Spatula
  • Matchbook
  • Glitter
  • Doodleboard
  • Glasses
  • Marker Cap
  • Sticker Book
  • Lip Balm
  • Housey
  • Cosmon
You can vote as many characters as you want, and the character that gets the most votes will become a plushie!

The Honey Mustard Object Show 2024 Roadmap

 Helloooooo Question Marks,

Our roadmap for 2024 is here! Yes… I know… the year has almost gone by. I will accept my punishment of ejection on their behalf (but I’ll still cry about it).

Are you wondering why it took so long to share? It’s a good question. Our team was redefining our process for updates and how we organize them, finding out what matters most *looks at that player survey from a couple months ago*, and taking a well deserved nap, etc..

Roadmap 2024 – Our Plans

New Roles

Since we introduced a whole bunch of new roles, new roles has been one of the highest requested additions to the game – and for good reason! Roles introduced a new way to betray and bewilder players, and more ways to immune yourself if up for elimination.

Soon we’ll introduce more brand new roles each with their own little quirk that make for some very interesting lobbies. I can’t guarantee they’ll help you avoid an untimely ejection but who knows… it’s all about how you play!

Better Game Filtering

We’re improving how you find lobbies through a more refined set of search settings.

Make the Games Pretty

Our looooooooong list of settings is getting a facelift. Say hello to snappy menus so you can easily see all the settings you can change as a host, and have a quick view of the important ones as you join lobbies.

Cosmetics and Collabs

Our true calling – Kay Token fashion. We’re cooking up more ways for you to slay while you slay. 💅

Y’all know how we get down with the cute, goofy, and chaotic collabs with other studios. We’re rolling the dice and hoping to continue blowing your minds this year. No one is safe. (sorry Honey Mustard)

Quality of Life

Along with the lobby settings and filtering mentioned above, we’re sprucing up other items that will make your ears (do Crewmates even have ears?) perk up. We’re cooking up other changes too – music for the games (a CREWCentral original of course), Crewmate chatter popping at the top of the screen, and more.


This is where I’m allowed to talk about [REDACTED]. Can’t say more than that ’cause we like surprising you!

Wooooooo, that’s a lot of stuff! The team is hard at work checking notes and prepping their tasks to make these plans a reality, so don’t expect all of these to be completed in the order shown above.

We’re excited and can’t wait to get these changes into your lovely, win-token-holding hands.

Off to decipher my part of the roadmap,


Designing the HMOS Cast (Sneak Peak)

 Designing the HMOS Cast:

Imagine Homestar Runner, having its large amount of characters, and with The Amazing World of Gumball:

Thats what I want HMOS to be! 62 contestants competing in a world inspired by TAWOG.

Basically, When designing Marker Cap, I decided for her to have the art style for a Marker. Cuz she's a Marker Cap.

Pen Cap would basically have the Aesthetic of a Paper Cut-out.

HMOS Character Redesigns: Round 2

Hi Question Marks!

Ready for more information about the HMOS Remaster? Well you have no choice because I’m here to reveal our second wave of voice cast that will be on our super safe, totally not competitive show. Please welcome Watchy, Marker Cap and Shoe!

We still have one more round of voice actors to announce, so stay tuned for that!

If you missed the first round of voice cast, you can see that here.

Are you pumped because I’m pumped oh god so much is happening so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Scrapped HMOS Characters (Part 5)

 8-Ball From BFB

Possibly the original Infinity Ball before it was changed

Dry Cube

Possibly a white or transparent character based on dry ice.

Metal Box

Possibly a green character based on the metal box from Super Mario 64.

Cup Can

Possibly a grey character based on a can in a cup or something similar.

Evil Pool Noodle

Possibly a red character that is an evil version of Pool Noodle. One of the multiple cut characters that was based on Pool Noodle. She may have been replaced with Evil Banana.

Sardine Can

Possibly a blue character based on a can of sardines.

Bronze Medal

Possibly a bronze character based on a bronze medal.

Featured Blogs! Announcement!

🚂 Welcome to – Your Hub for Object Shows, Comics, Games, and More! 🎉 Are you looking for a place where creativit...