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Behind The Scenes Of The Kay Kingdom

 The Kay Kingdom is where most of the various misadventures happen between Kay & Asriel. A wacky eyesore of various pink items scattered across the halls of the castle. As well as a goat monster with his pink little letter brother. But how exactly did the Kay Kingdom originate?

Well, lets take a look at the origin of the Kay Kingdom!

"Basically when it comes to designing locations, you must try your best to be creative as possible. The castle of the Kay Kingdom may look small and badly drawn on the outside, but on the inside its HUGE, with many different rooms of entertainment. Sure, you don't see this in real life, but you could!"

The castle's design to this day.

When it comes to the Kay Kingdom, we were trying to parody bad designs for buildings. That's right! This is where the phrase, don't judge a book by its cover comes from.

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