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Scrapped HMOS Characters - Part 3

 Hey, yall! Were back with some more scrapped characters!


Gender: Female
Species: Plum
Color: Bluish-Purple
First Appearance: Sweet Curry Battle Royale Intro
Plum is a limbless character that has been removed from HMOS.


Plum is a bluish-purple armless plum with a leaf on his stem.


Nickster confirms that his home is the kitchen from the Annoying Orange.


Shirty is a male non-speaking minecraft player and a rejected HMOS contestant.


Shirty is a yellow BFDI Store shirt that has minecraft physics.

Third Shoe

Gender: Non-Binary
Species: Yellow Shoe
Color: Yellow
First Appearance: Sweet Curry Battle Royale Intro
Third Shoe is a non-binary shoe. He was removed from HMOS


Third Shoe is a yellow armless shoe that is a skilled fighter and despises Shirty.

Polkadot Clalk

Gender: Female
Species: Red and White Polkadot Colored Chalk
Color: White (Polkadots), Red (Chalk)
First Appearance: Sweet Curry Battle Royale Intro
Polkadot Chalk is a female character that has been removed from HMOS.

Thats it for now. See ya in part 4!

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