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Meet The Mascots For SundaeRailroader Next!

 SundaeRailroader Next is an upcoming 2025 event coming this April 5th to celebrate Nick's 18th Birthday! It is a collection of projects created by the team of CREWcentral.

We really wanted to focus on more than just Sundae's projects, but her entire SERVER's projects as well! That's why this 2025, the event will consist of every project released today!

We also introduced a new mascot for SundaeRailroader Next. 

Their name is... Wacomy!

Wacomy is a try-hard artist who tries their best in their creativity, but always seems to have some malfunctions with their work. They have a firey attitude whenever someone insults their work, and won't hesitate to go their way into violence. They're very much a smug lil' gremlin ready to cause violence!

We wanted Wacomy to represent every artist who tries their best at their work, but never gives up no matter WHAT people say!

There's quite a few designs related to Wacomy as well, but it won't be revealed until later on. 

We wanted Wacomy to be like Bug from GlitchX, or Lofi Girl from the same name...

But it was a lot of fun creating them! 

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