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What If Everyone Qualified For BFDIA?

 I asked my Discord Server in a BFDIA Viewer Voting on who they think should be eliminated, and what would happen if everyone qualified for BFDIA!

So...this is heavily based on one of CheeseBurgerGuy's "What if everyone qualified for ???" on the Total Drama Wiki. 

This is an inspiration of one if his WIEQFs (What if everyone qualified fors) except with BFDI characters! 

This WIEQF takes place in the second season of BFDI, Battle for Dream Island Again. This WIEQF will make the 40 (or so) eliminated contestants, 3 BFDI APPISIOTE 225555555!!!!! contestants, Loser, and all the debuters for Battle for Dream Island: The Power of Two join. 

  These are the ground rules that CheeseBurgerGuy used. I'll only count the first two ones cause I don't want any shipping involved.

BFDI Game Rules: Since everyone is competing, the rules have altered:

Rule 1:

"Contestants that are killed, are not in this season, not present, or are not competing must compete."

Rule 2:

"Spin the wheel to choose the next contest."

Rule 3:

"Before a contest, players may switch teams if they want."

Basically rules 2 to 3 are the canoncially the same as rule 3 to 4 in the original BFDIA 1 episode. And since everyone is competing, I took out the TLC part and altered Rule 1.

Primary reason: WIEQF.

Secondary Reason: I didn't want Eraser to hallucinate. LOL

Contestant updates:

Book: She kinda acts the same as she did in the original, though when Eraser read the first rule aloud, everyone joins and book has a new line: "Wow, it's amazing everyone joins!"

VHSy: I you find my comment on List of characters up for debut for The Power of Two,(It's pretty long, so it shouldn't be hard to point out.) it will read that VHSy won't hesitate to fix something that may cause a horrible butterfly effect. She didn't want to let Match forced to join. However if she had asked Donut right away, it would have terrible consquences, so she backed out. In the Tug of War challenge, she refused to pull for her team, but they win otherwise.

Everyone else acts canonical to their respective personalities.

Challenge: Tug of War

Since everyone joined, everyone except Donut, Pin, and Coiny on Team No-Name win the challenge canonically. But don't fret I nerfed their strength so they have the same power as they did as the original.

Winners: Team No-Name

Losers: WOAH-Bunch

New quotes: I figure I add this because everyone joined. So there are minor quotes to this game.

Eraser: "Rule One: Contestants that are killed, are not in this season, not present, or are not competing must compete."

Coiny: "Wuh- seriously? Oh my mint..."

Book: "Wow, it's amazing everyone joins!"

Ruby: "I'm not sure if I am comfortable dealing with Evil Leaf-(Evil Leafy appears.)

Firey: (After TV says YAY) "But he is still a contestant."


Tennis Ball: "Wait a second, should we split into teams?"

Golf Ball: "Good point TB. So we'll have the newbie team and the original team."

Donut: "Wait, our teams aren't balanced thoroughly." 

Firey: "Sometimes maybe you should deal with calming down."

Pencil: "Sometimes maybe you should deal with admitting that Firey is right."

Donut: "Sometimes maybe you should deal with admitting that Firey is wrong!"

Puffball: "Sometimes maybe you should deal with letting one person from the other team switch. Then they will be even.

Pencil: "Sometimes maybe you should deal with not picking me."

Eraser: "Okay since they are busy now, I'll just uh...

Earser: "Rule Two: Spin the wheel to choose the next contest."

Golf Ball: "Stop it people, let's start the contest already!"

Vote off any member on "WOAH Bunch". BTW, Pin, Coiny, and Donut act the same as the original.

In case you don't know, Donut again swipes Match from team Original.

Pin switches.

Coiny...acts the same. yeah...

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